Drag Queenslatest

Jaclyn Tess – Glamorous Drag Queen from London

Drag Queen Jacklyn Tess
Featuring the stunning & glamorous drag queen ᒍaclyn Tess from UK. 

Here are some words by Jaclyn:

“First of all, I really wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing opportunity. I was so excited I wasn’t even sure I could write a decent self description, but here I am trying my very best.

I’ll be honest: Every single line I was about to write, it felt like I was somehow trying to explain myself and the reason why I do what I do. But I don’t have to. I came to a point I finally realized Drag isn’t just about dressing up. Drag is how I choose to express myself. Drag is Art and I can’t expect everyone to understand that.

Drag Queen Jaclyn Tess

We live in a world full of possibilities and talents! It’s getting harder and harder everyday to find our spotlight and voice, especially if you know what you are capable of, but too scared to jump.

I used to think “where would I be now if I wasn’t this insecure?”

The constant thought of me wasting my time was a real torture. I’ve always loved being creative so when I first met the drag world it was love at first sight!

I bought a wig, few eyeshadow palettes and decided to give it a go. It all started as a one-day experiment to test my skills that suddenly became a real passion. After several attempts I finally noticed Jaclyn was coming to life.

She’s a woman because I believe women are the purest example of living art, but Jaclyn’s so much more than just a gender: she’s a fun and safe world where anything is possible. She doesn’t need to belong to a single category, she’s a fantasy! society’s rules have no power on her.

Jaclyn Tess

She can be both weird and hot because she feels confident about herself! Why? because she hasn’t spent 28 years analyzing her face and body insecurities. Honestly, having the chance to finally see myself from such a different point of view is absolutely incredible.

Drag made me finally understand I can be so much more than just who my job title made me believe I was. When I’m Jaclyn I’m no longer a boy or a girl, I am art, creativity and inspiration for others. Isn’t that crazy what some makeup and a wig can do?

Have fun with your life.
I love you all ❤️”

–  ᒍaclyn Tess

Follow Jaclyn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaclyn_tess_/

Photo Gallery:

Jaclyn Tess

Jaclyn Tess

Jaclyn Tess

Jaclyn Tess

Facebook Comments


  1. Jaclyn has interacted with me on social media a few times and she seems to be as nice as she is pretty… And she’s very pretty!!
    I wish her all the best, shes a joy to follow and has a talent with make up, shes flawless.
    Enjoy her site folks and give her respect, she’s a sparkling diamond.

  2. You look beautiful. I would enjoy looking like that.

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