
Misty Morella


crossdresser Misty
Name: Misty Morella

▶ Location: USA

Say something about your crossdressing experience: Crossdressing is a way to express myself in a way that is simply impossible as a male. I can dress up and feel vulnerable but powerful too. There’s nothing like it.

Reason you crossdress: I crossdress because it helps me escape and I loooooove feeling like I did a good job.

Things you like to do after dressing up:  After I dress up I like to go out and meet new people at bars or events, I think my favorite thing to do is learning about new people. It’s more interesting because people treat you differently as a girl than they would as a boy. So you get to learn a lot and see it from a different perspective. The experience changes.

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crossdresser Misty

boy to girl transformation

beautiful crossdresser Misty

Crossdressing outfit ideas

boy to girl makeup


Facebook Comments


  1. Wooow you are so beautiful and cool

  2. Wow! you are beautiful. Have you ever dated men?

  3. Attractive beautiful girl

  4. Absolutely stunning!!

  5. Wish I could look as good as you!!!

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