
Jennifer Merrill


crossdresser Jennifer
Femme Name: Jennifer Merrill

Location: Southern California

How long you have been crossdressing : Since I was 3 years old

Say something about your crossdressing experience: I have had an amazing life exploring my gender gift. I have had many offers to perform as a female impersonator and met many wonderful, kind souls who have supported my efforts.

Reason you crossdress: It’s part of who I am. I spent many years contemplating transitioning, but realized I also have a strong male side that I also enjoy. In today’s parlance, I suppose I would be considered gender fluid or bi-gender… definitely somewhere on the transgender spectrum.

Things you like to do after getting dressed: Going out with friends, shopping, dining, clubbing.

Favorite outfits/style: I love classy, feminine styles and simple lines that show off my figure… and my legs!

Photo Gallery:

mature crossdresser

man dressed as woman

Jennifer Merrill

Mature crossdresser

Jennifer Merrill

mature crossdresser

Facebook Comments


  1. You are so beautiful, Jennifer!
    You make me wish that I was still living in SoCal.

  2. You are truly beautiful, I wish I could look that young and beautiful. You are a very beautiful woman and yes that smile says so much in life 🥰😘

  3. You cut me off. What happened ???!!!! Did I say anything that offended you ? I have always spoken good in your favor. “The Bobcat”

  4. Amazing!

  5. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Your absolutely stunning. More beautiful than most women.

  6. You are Absolutely Gorgeous, I faught it for years how I felt but know matter how I tried I kept wanting to dress in my favourite clothes. My wardrobes are massive now but about 12 years ago I found out I was born different and not exactly told even now I don’t know everything but I have accepted I am bisexual and love dressing as a female.
    All the best to you I wish I was in California and I would meet up with you for dinner.💞.
    My name might come up as the male but I am know as Becky Marie on most sites.

  7. wow. you would have me fooled, very pretty.

  8. Wow. Wish I looked as good. I too started very young. But it’s always been a secret. My style is more sexy, slutty. When I’ve dared to go out men always think I’m a prostitute.

  9. You looked so pretty and classy! I really like your style and outfits.

  10. Love them

  11. You lucky girl

  12. Look who I found! You look sensational, as always!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🤣

  13. Your beauty is so refreshing! Your choice of clothing defines the type of woman you choose to be, class before trash. You have the look that I have always found desirable. I’ve been dressing since age 10. Not a soul knows about my choice to dress. My wife would be devastated, and non -understanding,

  14. You look really pretty, and I identify very much with all what you say… You are a gorgeous woman!

    1. Thank you so much Jessika! A girl can never receive too many compliments! If you’re interested in seeing more of my pix, please go to:

      I would love to hear what you think!

      1. I would love to see more of your pix, but I can’t get the link to work. It just opens another Pinterest page.

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