

beautiful crossdresserFemme Name: Yuna

Location: UK

How long you have been crossdressing : Dressing since a teen maybe 15 years.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: My dressing experiences out weigh any other at this point the alter ego has won the battle.

Reason you crossdress: I dress because it feels more natural to me it feels great and I enjoy my day much more being pretty.

Things you like doing after getting dressed: When I’m Yuna, I’m different I’m confident sure of myself and I know what I want, love being social and love the look most guys and some girls give me.

Your favorite outfits/style: My styles are mostly alternative a mix of sweet, sexy, and gothy, but I also love to reinvent myself just because I can.

▶ Instagram: @somethingaboutyuna

Photo Gallery:

male to female transformation

guy dressed as woman

full body male to female transformation


male to female transformation

beautiful crossdresser

crossdresser in high heels

mature crossdresser

blonde crossdresser

cute crossdresser

male dressed as female

Crossdresser Yuna

UK crossdresser

Facebook Comments


  1. Absolutely gorgeous Yuna 😘

  2. So pretty beauty darling)

  3. From one cd to another, absolutely stunning x

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