
Tiffany Doll


cute crossdresser Tiffany
▶ Femme name: Tiffany Doll

▶ Location: Live in the UK

▶ How long have you been crossdressing: I have only just started taking crossdressing seriously for the last 3 months. But had a connection with it since I was a kid.

▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: I remember looking at myself in the mirror the first time I had make-up on and a nice outfit and just felt myself for the first time.

▶ Reason you crossdress: I’m fresh out as genderfluid and being able to express my femininity through crossdressing has been extremely fulfilling.

▶ Things you like doing after dressing up: I like to chill with my girlfriend in a nice outfit, and am looking forward to being more brave and heading out into the world dressed to the nines!

▶ Your favorite outfit/style: My favorite outfit would have to be a cute summer dress that hugs me in the right places, makes me feel gorgeous!! Throw in a pair of cute sandal heels and I’m in femme heaven

▶ Instagram:

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crossdresser in mini skirt

boy transformed into girl

cute crossdresser in floral dress

Tiffany Doll

crossdressing in skirt

Tiffany Doll

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  1. Some very hot pics there.

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