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The Pleasure of Being a Crossdresser – Camila Briz


crossdresser Camila BrizRafael, 34 years old, has been a crossdresser for over 28 years, even when he still didn’t know the reason for his desire to dress up as a girl: “I started to dress up at the age of seven. The word came only later,” he says. He has impersonated Camila Briz for more than 17 years. The beginning was at home, picking up shoes from the sisters or trying on a pair of tights. Suddenly, the game turned into a passion.

During his adolescence, Rafael still didn’t know what he would like, as he identified with the masculine gender, but he was fascinated by dressing as a girl. Internet searches on the terms drag queen or transvestite didn’t fit what Rafael wanted to live. “When I discovered the word crossdressing, I identified with it,” he recalls.

male to femaleAt the age of 16, Rafael started creating characters, and Camila was soon born : “Briz is a surname I invented. The name Camila made me feel like a powerful woman,” he says.

The lifestyle behind the crossdressing

man crossdressing at home

Rafael says that, on a daily basis, he uses neutral colors. In general, he is more discreet. Married and with children, he does not hide Camila’s existence from his wife, but she chose not to experience this experience with her partner. “On my A side, I identify as straight, but when I’m Camila, I’m bisexual, and that’s when I want to be with a man and a woman,” he reveals.

crossdresser with girls

Some challenges are part of the routine. The main one, he recalls, was having the courage to walk into a women’s clothing store, like Rafael, and try something on. “In the beginning it was challenging, but today I go in, try on and say that the clothes and shoes are for me”, he shares.

Also, having a dividing line between side “A” and side “B” can cause some confusion. “Before, it was more separate. He put on the wig and it was Camila. But these days, I’ve been wearing Camila’s clothes a lot more. I believe today is more fluid,” he reveals.


Finally, for people who want to try crossdressing, Rafael believes that this is the best time, as society is more receptive. “In that body, you can do anything. Everyone should try it, it’s the most amazing thing there is,” he concludes.

man dressed as woman

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  1. I crossdressed for a long time and can’t remember ever wanting to be with a man.
    I went on a vacation to a resort that caters to crossdressers and trans people, recently.
    I had a blast, living as a girl and doing things that girls do while they are on vacation.
    The night before I was going to return home, I went to a club, to listen to a band playing there.
    I was approached by a man who was handsome and polite, that asked me to dance with him.
    At first I told him that I didn’t want to dance, but he was persistent and I finally agreeded to dance one dance with him.
    It seemed strange to be dancing with a man, as a girl that I was presenting myself as, but he was a good dancer and I could follow his lead
    Long story short, we danced almost every dance, only taking short catch our breath.
    The night ended and he insisted on walking me to my car in the dark parking lot.
    When we got to my car, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me then kissed me.
    It was the best kiss I’d ever had. My toes were curled in my shoes as he was kissing me.,and I wrapped my arms around him, to let him know that I was enjoying being kissed
    I never imagined that I’d ever be kissing a man, but here I was, kissing him and liking it, as I kissed him back.
    That was the only time that I’ve kissed a man and I’ll always remember how memorable it was
    It changed the way that I think about being with a man, when I’m dressed en femme

  2. Interesting to hear others feelings towards the same and opposite gender when they are dressed up.
    As for me when I’m fully dressed up in girl mode I truly feel 100 percent girl inside and out, I’ve always been this way from the very beginning and as far as men go I’m not sure how I would feel being with one but I do have this urge to kiss a guy just to see if it works for me and that’s my inner girl feelings.


  3. Love it!

  4. I totally agree. Being “en femme” is such a wonderful feeling.

  5. I totally agree. Being “en femme” is such a wonderful feeling. As Rachel. I’m very attracted to, and enjoy being with, men.

  6. Thank you again!

  7. Sorry for the offtopic, it’s just a question. Is it common to have pleasure in crossdressing and identify myself as straight? I dont feel atracted to men, even whem I am dressed and feeling myself a woman…

    Thank you!

    1. Yes, it is quite common actually. Many crossdressers don’t feel attracted to men.

    2. I’m a married heterosexual male, love, love, love crossdressing but am not attracted to men at all, although I love to look at photos of beautiful transexual women – I admit they turn me on.

    3. when I 1st dressed I did so out of curiosity & didn’t think I was attracted to men but then I was caught fully made up & dressed by a guy who I knew, & I have to admit seeing the large bulge in his jeans I knew we were both turned on. & Shall I just say I wasn’t disappointed even though it was my 1st time with a man, both nervous & excited at 1st but when he left I was feeling pleased with myself,

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