Featuring the fabulous Drag Queen SuicideDoLL from United Kingdom.
“Hi everyone, my Drag name is Suicidedoll, this name has a really deep meaning for me. Drag and make-up in general saved my life a few years back. I was depressed, not really feeling good about myself, but then I discovered this kind of art, and it saved me in so many ways.
I’m not a professional drag queen yet, I don’t perform, I started drag just for fun, but now is becoming my main focus in life. I want to thank all of my supporters that help me through this, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Follow SuicideDoLL :
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suicidedollxo/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkAZZi7MzIorUz_uBUW5hA
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