▶ Femme Name: Sissylucylove
▶ Location: Italy
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : 3 years.
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: Crossdressing made me reach and discover and connect with some feminine aspects that were hidden inside of me and thanks to it now I evolved into the person I am today honest and real with my true self.
▶ Reason you crossdress: When I crossdress, the world seen by my own eyes has another color, everything seems possible, I see no limits in front of me and feel I could achieve anything in life!
▶ Things you like doing after getting dressed: I gained so much confidence since I started crossdressing that I now am a full-time cam model, streamer, and content creator. I love spending time live streaming with my community and fans, laughing, having good talks together, and sometimes we get spicy too.
▶ Your favorite outfits/style: I love dresses, lingeries, heels, accessories, Natural and goddess makeup. Everything that enhances my feminine side.
▶ Instagram: @sissylucyloveofficial
Photo Gallery:

Very beautiful ❤️
I would love to meet You ..
Lets get our drinks and relax and get comfy.
You are absolutely gorgeous
Sei semplicemente meravigliosa, un sogno, e il mio sogno proibito è essere anche solo un pochino bella come te.