


male to female transformation
Name: Sasha

▶ Location: Chicago, USA

How long you have been crossdressing: I’ve been dressing my for about 5 years.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: I’ve met some really amazing people through crossdressing that have made the person I am today.

Reason you crossdress: I crossdress mainly because I love to express the my feminine energy because I live a very masculine lifestyle.

Things you like to do after dressing up:  I have never gone out dress up, but the people I live with like it and we host small parties and other get togethers with friends.

Your Favorite outfits/ dresses/ style My favorite aesthetic is pinup and outfits with blazers that have big shoulder pads. But lately I have been loving the e-girl aesthetic

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Crossdresser Sasha

cute crossdresser in skinny jeans

crossdressing as playboy bunny

crossdressing in skirt

crossdressing at home

cute crossdresser

Facebook Comments


  1. I love you ❤️😘❤️ you are gorgeous 🙏🙏🙏😍😍 i begging you to kiss your perfect legs and heels

  2. hallo ich mag deinen look sehr

  3. Absolutely stunning!

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