
Sara Luval

Crossdresser Sara Luval

Femme name: Sara Luval

Location: West London Middlesex

How long you have been crossdressing: I’ve been dressing since I was 16.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: It’s only been 3 years since I started going out in public I made it a goal for myself to start venturing out as Sara and I haven’t looked back . If you’re interested venturing out I highly recommend going to a dressing service just to give you that push.

Reason you crossdress: I crossdress because I like the amount of selection of styles and looks you can go for, It’s amazing how’s clothes can change the shape of your body and make it look good !! . Makeup is very important too, it’s amazing what a bit of powder can do !!

Things you like doing after dressing up: I enjoy the process of getting ready for a night out and going out to socialize and hit the bars and clubs . I also just like dressing up casually to go shopping etc .


Photo Gallery: 

Crossdresser Sara in black skirt Crossdresser Sara sitting

Crossdresser Sara in black dress Crossdresser Sara in pink blouse

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1 Comment

  1. You could definitely pass – you look just like a female.

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