
Sami Lawrence


Gorgeous crossdresser Sami
Femme name: Sami Lawrence

Location: United States

How long you have been crossdressing: 1.5 years.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: Embracing the Sami side of me has helped me love all of myself! I am out to all of my friends and family and regularly go out in femme mode just because it’s so much fun!

The real goal in all of this was just to make my crossdressing a “normal” thing for me and I have pretty much achieved that. I can do pretty much anything as a guy or a girl and I’m happy either way.

Reason you crossdress: It’s complex. In some capacity, it’s a refuge and an escape from the stresses of everyday life. It also helps me feel better and more confident about myself, my body, my mind, etc.

It helps me express an appreciation for femininity that is typically suppressed for men in American culture. Also…it’s just plain fun!!

Things you like doing after dressing up: Things I like doing after dressing up: There isn’t much that I won’t do while dressed up.

I enjoy my brunch and shopping days just as much as I do having a girls night out with drinks and dancing. I love taking pictures and filming content for YouTube. Almost anything I do in guy mode I will do in girl mode as well!


Photo Gallery: 

crossdresser in hot dress

beautiful crossdresser in white dress

Crossdresser Sami Lawrence

Crossdresser Sami

Sami crossdressing Sami Lawrence

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  1. 🥰😍😘sei bellissima 🥰😍😘

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