
Raquel Pardo


Beautiful crossdresser
Femme name: Raquel Pardo

Location: Barcelona, Spain

How long you have been crossdressing : I’ve been crossdressing since my 20s but up until recently I have not began to have professional make up done.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: I have been improving my crossdressing skills with the passing of the time and the tips of friends and professionals. I have enjoyed all the way and I want to keep exploring my feminine side.

Reason you crossdress: I have always felt like my feminine side was waiting to come out and enjoy, and through crossdressing I can feel as the woman I feel on the inside and express myself in new and fun ways.

Things you like doing after getting dressed: I  like to go out, dancing and make men aroused, and to make love like a woman.

Your favorite outfits/ style: I like to keep it stylish and as classy as I can with jewelry, accessories and the occasional party dresses.


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Spanish crossdresser

crossdressing as secretary

Raquel Pardo

guy dressed as woman

Raquel Pardo

Facebook Comments


  1. Call me please. Xxxx

  2. Have you ever entertained thoughts of making love to a woman while your en femme ?

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