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Penelope “Penny” Rose – CoverGirl of the Week (March)


Penelope RoseFeaturing the stunning crossdresser Penelope “Penny” Rose as our CoverGirl of the week for March 2024.

Some words by Penelope:

“Hi, I’m Penelope, crossdresser in my 30s living in San Francisco but originally from Germany (ein herzliches hallo an alle daheim 😘🇩🇪). I love to play around with different looks and styles, it’s so much more versatile and fun to do that in femme clothes. But it’s not just the styles I get a kick out of but also to play it up for the camera, I love to pose and model!

Whether it’s the cute girl next door, the sexy femme fatale, the pretty secretary, the wholesome housewife, the long-legged club beauty, or countless other looks, you can count on me to explore that!” – Penelope

Follow Penny on Instagram: @penelope_penny_rose

Photo Gallery:

beautiful crossdresser

Crossdresser wearing frock

crossdresser in black dress and pantyhose

mature crossdresser

crossdresser in red dress

man dressed as woman

man to woman transformation

crossdresser in pink dress and pantyhose

crossdresser photoshoot

crossdresser in leather skirt

Facebook Comments


  1. Hola. Debo dar la enhorabuena por las photo gallery que es muy variada y femenina, aunque para mi la que más me gusta es la cuarta photo con la apariencia de mujer madura.

  2. Amazing! The shoes, production, dresses

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