


cute crossdresser
Femme name: Patty.

Location: I was born and live in Rome.

How long you have been crossdressing: I started when I was 13 with my sister’s clothes. As I grew up I bought my own makeup and clothes.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: Crossdressing is something very important to me. Since I was a boy I felt the need to try women’s clothes. It was and still is a sensation that gives me great pleasure. I don’t know if I will do it all my life but it’s a part of me now.

Reason you crossdress: I do crossdressing because I love everything feminine, makeup, shoes, miniskirts. I could say that when I dress up I feel free, and I experience a pleasure that is really difficult for me to explain in words.

Things you like doing after getting dressed: I love taking dozens or hundreds of photos of myself, looking at myself in the mirror, correcting my makeup if I don’t like it. If I have time I clean the house or wash the dishes. I like to behave like a good.

Your favorite outfits/style: I love pink mini dresses, yellow skirts. Shoes with heels, minimum 12cm. I prefer shirts that are not too tight because I don’t have a feminine shape, but bare shoulders if I can.

Where do you buy your clothes/makeup/shoes from: I purchase online, I feel uncomfortable in stores. Even though I’ve been crossdressing for a long time, it’s still a secret.

How long does it take you to get ready: I don’t use much time to prepare. I have been using silkepil for years. Just time to shave my beard and put on makeup. With 30 minutes I’m usually ready.

▶ Instagram: @misteropatty

Photo Gallery:

man to woman transformation

Italian crossdresser

man dressed as woman

crossdresser taking photos

crossdresser makeover

crossdresser in dress

Facebook Comments


  1. Bella

  2. How do you say “I’d take everything (and every inch) you’ve got, in Italian?

  3. Hi Patricia, you eyes and lips really get me in one of your pictures. I am an Italian-American.

  4. Come sei bella patty

  5. Right now, I wish I lived in Rome. You are one hot lady!

  6. Wonderful. I will one day produce myself like you. Congratulations. Your heels are amazing!

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