
Noela Salvatore


asian crossdresser
Femme name: Noela Salvatore

Location: Singapore

How long you have been crossdressing: I have been crossdressing for about 5 years!

Say something about your crossdressing experience: I treat crossdressing as a hobby. The journey thus far had been really interesting to say the least. This hobby of mine sparked several other interests such as photography and cosplay. On top of that, I had made plenty of friends, been given valuable life lessons, career opportunities, and even found a partner through it all.

Reason you crossdress: I started crossdressing on a dare with my gaming friends. There was a trend at some point for the guild leader to cosplay as a character from the opposite gender, I was dared to do the same.

At the time, i didn’t have money to spare for costumes but I was fully onboard with crossdressing and so I took it up like a challenge. Needless to say, I think I was pretty convincing and overtime the whole crossdressing thing grew on me!

Things you like doing after getting dressed: I don’t particularly desire to do much after getting dressed apart from taking pictures for memory sake and maybe going shopping occasionally. For me, the process is what engaged me and i am completely enjoying trying out new makeup and dress styles.

Your favorite outfits/style: I really like styles that displays elegance and class. It is something i try to achieve in my posts! Though I think many tell me that I am cute instead. Ironically though, my go-to outfits are those with pants.

Where do you buy your clothes/makeup/shoes from: I generally shop for clothes and shoes in local brands like:
– Love, Bonito
– The Willow Label
– Charles and Keith
– Carrislabelle

For make up, apart from concealer and foundation, I tend to grab anything that comes my way as long as i find the colours nice.

How long does it take you to get ready: When i first started out, it took me about 4hrs just to get the eyeliner right. Now that i am a lot more fluent at my make up skills, I can take between 15-30 mins to be fully ready to head out if i really want to!

▶ Instagram: @lenoeroo

Photo Gallery:

crossdresser in dress and heels

boy dressed as girl

beautiful asian crossdresser

boy to girl transformation

asian crossdresser

crossdresser bunny girl

Facebook Comments


  1. So hot. So ladylike. I am yours to command, mistress.

  2. Hola. Lo que mas me gustaría seria poder vestirme y salir a la calle como chica e ir de compras , ver que pasa.
    Te ves muy femenina. Muchas gracias.

  3. Wow!!
    You are stunningly beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

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