
Niamh O’Connor


Irish crossdresser
Femme name: Niamh O’Connor

Location: Dublin, Ireland

How long you have been crossdressing : I’m guessing it was since I was five or six. I remember being at a wedding when I was very young being jealous of the girls in their dresses. My aunt stayed in her house I remember sneaking into her room and wearing her dresses. Then when I became a teenager, I would try to get clothes from anywhere and stash them in my room.

▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: Crossdressing allows me access to my feminine soul. As I’ve got older I’ve grown to fully accept my femme side and now I enjoy it fully without guilt. Took a long time, but life is so short, this is who you are, it’s beautiful, embrace it..

Reason you crossdress: I’ve been trying to figure that out my whole life. I guess it’s hardwired in me because I crossdressed well before puberty. Perhaps gender is a spectrum and there is a woman in me that needs to be acknowledged and loved.

Things you like doing after dressing up: I love to take photos, try on outfits and play music. Just relax basically and enter into a world of femininity.

▶ Your favorite outfits/style: I guess I love an elegant look, something dreamy as well, verging on cottage core.


Photo Gallery:

Irish crossdresser

Irish crossdresser



mature crossdresser


Facebook Comments


  1. Beautiful ❤ Amazing ❤

  2. I am soo in awe of you! You are absolutely gorgeous! I wish that I was even half as beautiful as you are!

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