Crossdressing Stories

My Fantasy

blue leotard

When I were in basic school a long time ago, clothes for the gym lessons were provided by the school at the start of each year and handed back before the summer vacation. Navy blue leotards for the girls and shorts and vests for the boys. Spares and unused sizes were kept in a securely locked cupboard.

Actually one of the schools I went to had two locker rooms but only on gym hall. Spring and autumn the boys played football outside, but in the winter they had to go to the next school about a mile away for gym class. I wasn’t good at playing football, but enjoyed watching the girls in their leotards from a distance.

So here it goes my persistent and recurring fantasy:
One boy had a gym lesson together with the girls. After class he didn’t shower with the girls, but waited until they were finished. In the meantime he was allowed to borrow a leotard and try it on in the now empty gym hall.

When the girls had finished he went back into the locker room, took off the leotard and went to shower himself. When he emerged from the shower the girls had left. The girl living in the same house as him, had taken his shirt and trousers and left him with a blouse and a skirt. It was the last class of the day and he was forced to walk home wearing her clothes.

Arriving home he found her lying on a sun bed in the garden. Over the weekend he was more and more feminized and Monday morning he went back to school in a dress and attended classes in that way all day.
By the time of the next gym class the teacher took him aside and issued him with a community navy blue leotard. He made all the exercises with the girls and showered with them after class.


– Sent by Trine Hjelme

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1 Comment

  1. Lovely short story in need of more writing to make it even more enjoyable

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