▶ Femme name: Mirna Ladyrouge
▶ Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : I started dressing as a woman at 13 years old. Today I am 44 years old for what I have been doing for more than 30 years.
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience:
It all started as a game with makeup, but over time I added more things to a woman’s wardrobe. I was always fascinated by high heels and makeup, so they have been my object of worship throughout my life.
In the last years I was strengthening my image and adopted a major public exhibition in order to help the girls who start. I have been one of the founders of “LA BANDA DEL GOLDEN CROSS” and organizer of the only social party for crossdressers in Argentina, known as “LA NOCHE CROSS” (Cross Night).
▶ Reason you crossdress: I practice crossdressing as a part of my life. I love giving life to this character called Mirna, which is nothing other than the existence of my feminine side. Anyway I consider myself heterosexual and live with a woman who accepts my “hobby”
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mirnaladyrouge/
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