▶ Femme name: Melissa
▶ Location: Mexico City
▶ How long you have been crossdressing: About 4-5 years
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: Crossdressing for me it’s like a relief, it makes me feel my true self.
▶ Reason you crossdress: I crossdress in order to embrace my femininity. I just love the way the dresses and skirts suit me, and to feel the heels it makes me feel so feminine.
▶ Things you like doing after dressing up: After I dress up the first thing I Do is to eat a lot.
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_babemelissa/
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Wooow you are so beautiful and sexy
Escribeme a melmelimelissa15@gmail.com
Soy Médico de Guadalajara, tuve una novia trans…me gustaría conocerte, saber más de ti….
Escríbeme a melmelimelissa15@gmail.com