▶ Femme name: Manon
▶ Location: Paris, France
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : A long time ago ! I try clothes from my mother when I had 12/13 years old and now I’m 23 years old!
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: I never go out as a crossdresser because I’m doing that secretly.
▶ Reason you crossdress: I love to be feminine and be attractive to men. I love try lots of women’s clothes etc..
▶ Things you like doing after getting dressed: I love take pictures and videos when I’m a girl.
▶ Things you like doing after getting dressed: I’m a fan of fur ! So a nice fur coat, a beautiful sweater, a latex pant and lace lingerie. With a good makeup and it’s perfect.
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manon_psqer/
Photo Gallery:
Hello !
Au plaisir de dialoguer ensemble…
I’ve also been cross dressing in secret since I tried on my mum’s clothes when I was 12yr old and fell in love with the way they felt straight away. I love wearing nylons more than anything and once came downstairs to show my wife and at first she was ok with it and we had fun but lately she isn’t so keen we do this together but she still knows I love doing this and lets me carry on x