Crossdressing in Movieslatest

Male Celebrities Transformed Into Women

Male celebrities transformed into beautiful women

Ever wondered how male celebrities would look if they were transformed into woman? Then check out these photos of male celebrities transformed into beautiful women.

No. 1 . Justin BeiberJustin Beiber as woman

No. 2. Tom Cruise Tom Cruise as woman

No. 3. Aston Kutcher Aston Kutcher as woman

No. 4.  JonnyDeppJonny Depp as woman

 No. 5.  Will Smith Will Smith as woman

No. 6. Russell CroweRussell Crowe as woman

No. 7. Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)Dwayne Johnson as woman

No. 8. Daniel-Radcliffe Daniel Radcliffe as woman

No.9. Eminem Eminem as woman

 No.10. Elijah-WoodsElijah-Woods-as woman

No. 11 . Rowan AtkinsonRowan Atkinson as woman

No. 12. Willem Dafoe Willem Dafoe as woman

No. 13. Arnold Schwarzenegger


No. 14. Jon Bon JoviJon Bon Jovi as woman

 No. 15.  Keanu ReevesKianu-Reeves-as woman

No. 16.  Jack BlackJack Black as woman

No. 17. Jason PriestleyJason Priestley as Woman

No.18. Taylor LautnerTaylor Lautner as woman

No.19. Tobey MaguireTobey Maguire as woman

No. 20. Jackie ChanJackie Chan as woman

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  1. I always called Justin beeber.. BOOBer

  2. Wow! Justin Beiber, Daniel Radcliffe, and Elijah Wood actually look better as girls than they do as guys. They are gorgeous.

  3. Ha ha!! Some of them look actually quite good!! Justin Bieber and Elijah Wood look gorgeous, and Rowan Atkinsons and Jackie Chan are so funny… ;o))
    How did you worked the pictures? You gals made a terrific job!

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