
Maica Mara


Crossdresser Maica Mara in black dress

Femme name: Maica Mara

Location: Spain

How long you have been crossdressing:  In one way or another I have always crossdressed. I don’t remember a specific moment when it started. From touching a skirt in a store as a child to going out shopping as a girl, I consider them forms of crossdressing. And they have been a part of me all my life. I call it my pink passenger.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: As in all aspects of life, I tend to refine and deepen as I progress through stages. After a while, I consider that I already have some criteria and knowledge of who I am as a girl, in addition to a social life with friends that make it a little more complete.

I know what clothes I like, not just any skirt or dress in any way, I know what activities I like to do, etc. I love to go shopping, to a good restaurant and to go out to some roof top with my friends.

Reason you crossdress: Honestly, I don’t know why. I only know that it is within me, that sometimes it does not appear for a long time and other times it appears with the force of a thousand tides. It can be an admiration for the feminine world, it can be an escape route from everyday problems, it can be the emotion of the forbidden, it can be the search for beauty.


Photo Gallery: 

Crossdresser Maica Mara Maica Mara crossdressing in skirt and heels

Maica Mara

Maica Mara crossdressing in office look

Maica Mara

Crossdresser Maica Mara

Facebook Comments


  1. Gorgeous sexy

  2. WOW….

  3. Muy guapa!! Quién te pillara! 💋💋💋

    1. WOW….

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