▶ Femme name : LEEBOMI
▶ Location : South Korea
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : Since March, 2004
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience : I dress up as a woman and go to downtown, university, convenience store, cafe and restaurant.
▶ Reason you crossdress : When you wear pantyhose, it feels too soft to touch your skin. My legs are so beautiful when I wear a miniskirt. And my perfect crossdressing makes me fall in love.
▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bomiforme/
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Dreamgirl supermodel dropdead gorgeous beautiful, yes dinner would
Be nice.
Absolutely stunning
from one girl to another, you sweetie are absolutely beautiful and any guy or girl
would be very lucky to have you
You are absolutely gorgeous and keep doing what you do are you on Facebook would love to see more pictures
Hola nena eres hermosa
Love you and your lovely pictures girl❤💃