

Cute asian crossdresser Laddieme
Femme name: Laddieme

Location: Singapore

How long you have been crossdressing: 3 years

Say something about your crossdressing experience: I love wear lingerie and sexy outfits, wearing them makes me realize I need to love and improve my body by cutting out soda and count calories if I want to show them off. Also it introduces to me a new expensive hobby which is Portrait Photography.

Reason you crossdress: I always admire Japanese gravure and swimsuit models since young, they confidently show off their bodies, their makeup and the hard work they put into. When I was a child, I tried on my sister’s swimsuit and her skirt. It felt so right for me and throughout the years I have struggled fighting against the urge thinking it was wrong but now I can’t deny who I am and what I like.

Things you like doing after dressing up: Taking photos of course! I would setup my backdrops and lighting to make my photos more presentable. From there I can spent the whole day processing my pictures, tweaking the colors, brightness etc. making sure it looks good for everybody to see. I always appreciate anybody who puts in efforts in their crossdressing and to bravely to show everybody.

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Beautiful Asian crossdresser

boy dressed as girl

Laddieme crossdressing in red dress

Crossdressing in bodycon dress

cute crossdresser

Gorgeous Asian Crossdresser

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1 Comment

  1. Really love ALL your work. You go to a lot of trouble – and I want to assure you it is worth it! You look so beautiful X

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