
Katy Solari


Crossdresser Katy

Femme name: Katy Solari

Location: Italy

How long you have been crossdressing: I started when I was 12.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: I was attracted to women’s legs when they wore tights. Out of curiosity I tried to wear one and from there it all started up to the complete dressing.

Reason you crossdress: I love letting my alter ego out. Becoming a woman makes me feel like another person. I love clothes, shoes. Makeup is an art and my face is a blank canvas waiting to become someone else.

Things you like to do after dressing up: Be as feminine as possible.
I love looking in the mirror and seeing what came out of me.


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Crossdresser Katy Katy Solari

Katy Solari Katy Solari

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1 Comment

  1. absolutely beautiful You are definitely feminine very hot

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