

Crossdresser Justine
Femme name: Justine

Location: East midlands, UK

How long you have been crossdressing : Since childhood from 9 years old.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: When I came out in public I always be excited to be woman, mk its my daily life make up, clothes..

Reason you crossdress: I am trans and I am in my clothes 24/7.

Things you like doing after getting dressed: go shopping, see friends, and all day by day things

▶ Instagram: @justytia86

Photo Gallery:

Crossdresser Justine

Crossdresser Justine

Crossdresser Justine

Crossdresser Justine

Facebook Comments


  1. You are fantastically beautiful and hopefully proud of it.

  2. Me pareces una chica estupenda. Muchas gracias.

  3. Nice profile x fab figure on a beautiful woman xx

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