

male to female full body transformationFemme name: Julia (Jules)

Location: Sussex, UK

How long you have been crossdressing : 10+ years

Say something about your crossdressing experience: Becoming someone else physically opens up a brand new world, and becoming a lady gives you such an insight into the opposite sex, you become a much better person overall.

Reason you crossdress: Helps with my mental health, allows me to be creative, and you learn new things, which is always good!

Things you like doing after getting dressed: Like any girl I love going into shops to try on clothes, or just wander around somewhere interesting.

Your Favorite outfits/ style: Love me some vintage clothes, or something practical. If the right mode strikes, the heels and glam frock will come out!


Photo Gallery:

male to female transformation

cute crossdresser

crossdresser in red dress and boots

male to female makeover

guy dressed as girl

crossdresser in black dress

Facebook Comments


  1. Just beautiful, love redheads

  2. Gorgeous !!!

  3. Very Sexy and Beautiful XXX

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