
Jessika Martin

Crossdresser Jessika Martin

▶ Femme name: Jessika Martin

▶ Location: Spain

▶ How long you have been crossdressing : I love to dress as a woman since probably I was around 10 or 11 years old, or even less… Now I am 51 and still love it… Some years I have been doing it less, and some others much more actively, like right now

▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience:
I have never been brave enough to make a transition to female, or crossdress too openly, so I guess I am a “closet crossdresser”, even when I have gone out sometimes, and it has been wonderful… It is such a rush and a wonderful mix of sensation to expose yourself as a woman…

After many many years just doing it for myself and not sharing it with anybody, just a couple of years ago I started to open up a little… I have been in the street a few times, being watched and interacting with some people, and always it have been a super exciting experience… Also I have posted pictures and videos in different virtual media, and to receive the comments and compliments is simply addictive and absolutely amazing… I love it!

▶ Reason you crossdress: I don´t know why I crossdress… I just feel the need to do it, and enjoy it so much… I like women and men, so I think I am bisexual, and sometimes I really would love to be a full woman, so I guess I could be a transgender… However other times I am happy being a man with the occasional habit of dress as a woman… As you can see, I have been always kind of confused in this aspect of my life, but… this is how I am!

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