▶ Femme name: Jenna
▶ Location: United Kingdom
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : I’ve been cross-dressing for 2-3 years.
▶ Reason you crossdress: Cross-dressing is just for fun and enjoy my femme side.
▶ Things you like doing after getting dressed: Taking pictures in different posts.
▶ Your favorite outfits/style: Some of my favorite outfits are wedding dress, office outfits in stocking and high heel.
▶ Instagram:@jenna_jyg
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Facebook Comments
Will you marry me in that wedding dress, I am so turned on by you, love you
Stunningly Beautiful & those Legs ❤️ xx
Watch out for those high platform shoes. Sort of Lady Gaga in waiting. You look lovely in this group of photos, that you`ve posted.