
Jay Berry

Crossdresser Jay Berry
Femme name: Jay Berry

▶ Location: Plymouth, United kingdom

▶ How long you have been crossdressing : I started in 2019 July, so about a year now.

▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: I find it a fun way to express my self and it makes me feel attractive; using makeup can be really fun and girl clothes are super fashionable and fun to shop for.

▶ Reason you crossdress: A way to express my self as it gives me confidence about how I look and I can appreciate women fashion a lot more than male fashion.

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Crossdresser Jay Berry

Crossdresser Jay Berry

Crossdresser Jay Berry

Crossdresser Jay Berry

Facebook Comments


  1. Estás para penetrar rico

  2. Jay, you look amazing…

  3. you look stunning in pink beautiful. looks like you were as exiting taking that picture as I was looking at it.

  4. Wow babe very sexy very beautiful babe lovely eyes gorgeous smile 😊 x

  5. You look stunning just which I had the looks to xdress to start with ,I’m also from Plymouth ,maybe I will see you at a club sometime

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