
Interview with Julia Panther

Julia Panther

Makeup and picture by Cindy Conti

Julia Panther is fabulous part time girl who enjoys all kind of fetish. She has a very large following and her Flickr account has more than 93 million hits. Here is a lovely interview of Julia.

Q. Tell us something about yourself
Julia: My name is Julia Panther and I live around Washington DC. I am a highly trained physician.My life is dedicated to discovering new treatments to help millions of suffering people.

Julia Panther

Makeup and picture by Cindy Conti

Q. How did Julia came into existence
Julia: I was raised in a very conservative family where even talking about trans issues would not be an option. When I was at university I discovered the web sites of Pandora de’Pledge and Jamie Austin (Austin’s Angels) and I was completely fascinated by their magical glamour transformations.

I started to read more about transgender issues thanks to internet which was blooming. I also realized that I have had a deeply suppressed feminine side and that there are also other people like me.


Makeup and picture by Cindy Conti

After much hesitation 10 years ago, I tried to dress for the first time. When I saw myself in the mirror it was a sort of disaster. I almost gave it up at that point forever. Later I started to read more about makeup techniques and glamour photography and I tried it again. The outcome was better, but still not good. In 2006 I finally posted a few pictures at Flickr. Surprisingly, instead of hateful comments I received lots of encouraging support to continue from other people. This was when Julia was born.

Q. What things do you like to do as Julia?
Julia: I tried to improve my makeup skills and visited very talented makeup artists: Jamie (Mike) Austin, Amanda Richards and Cindy Conti, and we became friends. It is amazing that since my first picture appeared on Flickr the few hundreds of pictures posted received around 94 million views.

Unfortunately I have practically no time after my work to go out and besides, the area where I live is not transgender friendly. On those rare occasions when I am dolled up I try to achieve new looks and take pictures. Doing this alone is sometimes very lonely but messages from people telling me I inspire them and give them more courage, keeps me going on.


Makeup and picture by Amanda Richards

Q. What’s your reason to crossdress?
Julia: Honestly I do not know why I feel the need to crossdress. Like the majority of crossdressers and transgender persons, I went through stages of guilt, denial and purges, but eventually could not stop my female persona coming back. When I am Julia I am more relaxed, tolerant, smile more and I’m overall a happier person.

Q. Tell us more about Julia
Julia: Julia is quite unique and not really based on anyone. Julia likes extravagant, feminine fashion, provocative, sexy and unique clothing. High heels, nylon pantyhose, corsets, leather, latex, velvet, lace and lingerie, are among her all-time favorites.

Crossdresser Julia Panther

Makeup and picture by Cindy Conti

She also adores Gothic and dark fashion, fetish style and glamour, which is probably reflected in most of her looks. I could list hundreds of names as inspiration for my look and style, including Lady Gaga, Madonna, RuPaul, Pandora de’Pledge, Amanda Richards, Cindy Conti, Jamie (Mike) Austin, lots of amazing t-girls, gothic models, photographers, famous painters and drag queens.

Q. Have you thought about transitioning
Julia: Unfortunately, under my current family and professional circumstances transitioning is not an option. My life is my family and my work to discover new things to improve sick people’s lives. For these opportunities I am really grateful and these treasures are more important than my personal happiness. If I were to transition I would lose both my family and career and probably most of my friends too.

Julia Panther

Makeup and picture by Amanda Richards

When the media is full with the coverage of transitioning of Kathleen Jenner, which is great, everything appears to be very simple, but it is not for a regular person. Her transitioning was well orchestrated and supported by the media and show business, her family and huge family wealth. I would say she is among the few very lucky ones who could do anything without worrying about any potential consequences.

When transitioning, most transgender persons lose their jobs, their family and friends and the suicide rate among our community is 25 times higher than the wider non-trans population, which equals around shocking 45% suicide attempt rate. Hopefully, this sad reality will improve in the future together with society’s tolerance towards us.

Q. And what else does the future hold for Julia
Julia: Hopefully more time to explore her feminine side, health, happiness, acceptance and a few good friends.

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1 Comment

  1. What a wonderful inverview! Besides being gorgeous, Julia is so honest and clever… What she says makes total sense for me, and I myself indentify a lot with her toughts. I totally agree with her in ideas like “If I were to transition I would lose both my family and career and probably most of my friends too.”… I think trans people need to be very brave to try a transition, and there are lots of chances that you will not find happiness through that route…

    I absolutely see myself represented in Julia’s ideas: “Unfortunately, under my current family and professional circumstances transitioning is not an option. My life is my family and my work to discover new things to improve sick people’s lives. For these opportunities I am really grateful and these treasures are more important than my personal happiness.”… In my case I am not a physician so my work is other, but aparte from that I think exactly the same as she says…

    Congratulations Julia for being such a wonderful person, so smart and consistent… I admire you, and of course I also love you because you are such a doll, so sexy and attractive… You are the full package, and I loved the interview… Thanks also to “allaboutcd” for post this amazing story!!

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