Interview with Gorgeous Tgirl Alice !
Q) Tell us a bit about yourself, your hobbies/interest & where you are from?
Alice: I’m 25 and live in New York City, I have been crossdressing for over 10 years but only started taking it seriously in the past 2. I am a big football fan, love running, cooking, traveling and exploring new places and cultures. If I could have any job it would be one of those celebrity chefs who just travels around the world eating and drinking.
2) How did you get started with crossdressing?
Alice: Weirdly, I was very young when I realized this was a part of who I am, I was a cartoon when I was about 5 which had a plot about a male character who had to go undercover as a girl (a surprisingly common plot in children’s television back then). It just hit me like a wave and pierced my soul, ever since then it has been the most natural thing in the world to me.
Q) What are the challenges that you have faced as a tgirl?
Alice: I think most people will emphasize with the struggle of trying to accept who you are and how you fit in the world around you. I think that’s something everyone feels but is definitely amplified in our community. I don’t think I’ll ever be fully over that but being open, honest and loving to yourself and others makes it easier everyday. The other answer here is fake eyelashes.
Q) How often do you dress up now and tell us about your transformation/makeover process?
Alice: I try to do something a couple of times a week time permitting, it helps me to unwind by focusing on something outside of daily life and gives me a passion to focus on and grow. I typically plan out the look I want to do before, get any of the necessary pieces. Then it takes about 45 minutes to do makeup, get changed and add finishing touches. Then I’ll either go out or more often than not, make some content to share with my friends on Instagram.
Q) Where do you buy your clothes & makeup from?
Alice: I typically buy clothes from H&M, Zara or Macy’s. I try to buy cheaper outfits so I can keep my wardrobe fresh and explore new outfits, when I feel like I’ve had enough of a look I’ll donate it so it gets another life. I get most of my makeup at Sephora, I love trying different brands and types to experiment with.
Makeup is a lot like cooking, you’re always trying to create something new and interesting using new ingredients, taking stuff out, adding new stuff. Right now I’m in love with my Lancôme foundation and anything by Rare Beauty, Selena Gomez has it right.
Q) What type of activities do you prefer to do after getting dressed?
Alice: Honestly I enjoy the process as much as anything and that’s an activity in itself, dedicating time to just focus on yourself and creating something is very rewarding. I love heading out and meeting other people in our community but often I’m too tired so end up just chilling at home and making content.
Q) Have you went out in public in your femme self? if yes, can you share your experience about going out in public and being dressed feminine in-front of other people?
Alice: I have! The main takeaway I got from it is that 99% of people will leave you alone and not give you a second glance. I definitely worried about having people stare at me and make comments but people are generally supportive/don’t care. So just enjoy it and have fun! Always be safe but your harshest critic will normally be yourself.
Q) Any particular story or experience you would like to share about yourself and your tgirl journey?
Alice: The most formative experience was definitely the first time I visited a dressing service. Being in an environment that was accepting and treated me like a person gave me a lot of confidence and heart to push forward.
It was a huge mental step to go there and I still don’t quite know how I got the courage, but I have no doubt a lot of people reading this are currently going through that. My advice would be just commit and do it, it’s better to find out it’s not for you then live your whole life wondering what if.
Q) Have you come out to your friends and family as a tgirl? If yes, how hard was it for you?
Alice: I have and they’ve been very supportive, I’m very lucky but ultimately I don’t really interact with them in this way because I prefer to keep with other people who enjoy it too.
Q) What are some of your favorite outfits/styles?
Alice: I tend to go quite preppy, but always like trying new ideas and styles, that’s half the fun. Make sure to check out my style guide from last year for more details.
Q) Lastly, any tips or advice you would like to give to tgirls who are just starting out?
Alice: I think the main thing is to stay positive and to love yourself. There’s a lot of amazing people out there who will love you for who you are but that ultimately starts from within. It takes a lot of courage sometimes to get out there but if you love it, it’ll definitely be worth it.

What team is her favorite in the NFL, and has she made fun wagers on a game while it’s being played?
Hola. La entrevista me ha encantado y mucho animo para seguir adelante.
You are lovely !
What a wonderful interview! This is my first time visiting this site and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. Not sure what I thought the site would be like but, I’ll be the first to admit I never imagined to find a website about cross dressing that was so informative/educational, well rounded, visually stimulating and designed in such a way that navigation for readers is effortless. Keep up the good work! I’m going back to read more interviews and profiles. Oh, and Alice, OMG you are breathtaking! So beautiful! And, obviously intelligent. So, it was no surprise that your answers were well thought out, didn’t sound cookie cutter, loaded with valuable ideas and seemed to be genuine. But, what did it for me is how funny you are! “The other answer here is fake eyelashes”! Brilliant!