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Interview with Erica Scott – Female Impersonator & Entertainer

Erica Scott

Most of you already know who Erica Scott is. For those who don’t, Erica is a very popular female impersonator & Entertainer who has a very large following. We are very lucky to get an exclusive interview with her. It goes as follows:

Q. Thank you for having this interview Erica. 
Erica: Thank you for taking my interview. I’m just happy that you care enough to interview me. Thank you so much for your time and I greatly appreciate you supporting the trans community

Q.  Do you consider yourself a crossdresser?
Erica: I don’t “cross dress” I dress according to my gender, and I identify with gender fluid. I started dressing “gender fluid “ after the Iraq war in 2010 when I came home from the combat zone to escape the horrors that haunted me there.

Q. Tell us about your Genderfluid experience :
Erica: I was modeling as a male and I met Jamie Austin a MUA (makeup artist) And I was asked to pose as a female for the month of July and October for his transgender calendar shoot for Jamie Austin’s Angels in Boston, Massachusetts, after that I started getting gigs all over Massachusetts and my female impersonation and modeling career took off.

Q. How did you get started?
Erica: I started in 2010 after I came back from the Iraq war and it was therapeutic and it allowed me to escape the horrors of war. As a combat veteran with over 25 years of military experience before I retired being transgender was extremely difficult, especially when your commander was constantly hitting on you since he knew of your alter ego.

Q. What do you think about people who crossdress or are Gender fluid?
Erica: I completely support anyone that likes to dress however they would like since society should not dictate how you should dress.

Q. Why do you love dressing up/impersonating  as female?
Erica: The answer would be to escape my military reality and to focus on the feminine side of my life which allows me to escape the masculine side which has experienced over 20 years of combat experience. I’m extremely confident in who I am.

Follow Erica Scott’s Social Media Pages: 

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pg/EricaScott1980/

Personal Page: https://www.facebook.com/EricaScottCD 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericascottcd/

Photo Gallery:

Erica Scott

Erica Scott Erica Scott

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1 Comment

  1. I really appreciate what you do.
    I know I feel better when I am dressed up.
    You really inspire me too.
    Rachel Lisa.

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