Feminization SecretslatestTips & Tutorials

How To Feminize Your Voice – Male to Female Transformation Tips

feminize your voice

Having a feminine voice makes up for a lot in transforming into a girl. If you don’t have a feminine voice, you will be missing out a lot in your overall crossdresser persona. Voice carries a large part in people perceiving you. If you are dressed crossdresser but you don’t have a sweet, girly voice then people won’t take you seriously.

Here are some of the differences between guy-speak and girl-speak:

  •  Men tend to be more direct and task-oriented in their communication. They use their words for the purpose of achieving results.
  •  Women tend to be more “circular” and detail-oriented in their communication. They use their words for the purpose of forming relationships.
  •  Women speak an average of 20,000 words per day vs. men who speak an average of 7,000 words per day.

Here are few  methods to feminize your voice

• Try to make sexual moans like a woman, paying attention to what your muscles are doing and then try to speak with your muscles doing the same thing. Repeat this for a few times, after a few try you will certainly realize that you are somewhat able to produce feminine tones. Getting your voice properly feminized might take a while depending upon your practice mostly.

• Speak like you were talking in an excited voice to a pet or a baby or child, and while you do that pay attention to your vocal muscles.

• Try to mimic different feminine personality; it can help you get quicker results in feminizing your voice.

how to feminize voice

Pitch: The trick is to make sure you don’t sound too high or too low. Just how high you want to go depends on your personality and what you look like, for example I’m pretty tall so I don’t want a super high pitched voice. A lot of people will talk about falsetto, which is basically a vocal range that males can reach that’s very high in pitch and sounds very strange.

If you start out from your natural pitch and slowly bring it up, you should be able to find exactly where your highest “natural” voice pitch ends and where your falsetto begins, as your voice will cut out for a quick second and then drastically change quality. The pitch you want will be a little bit lower than that highest natural point, that way you can have variation in pitch and also not completely strain your vocal muscles.

So in summary, what you want is to find your head voice, raise the pitch, and from there begin learning how to speak in a more feminine manner. The last part is optional but if you want to be able to pass over the phone and never have someone question you, I’d suggest you do it. Changing your speech pattern is kind of like learning a new language, some people mimic women with a speech pattern they want to have, some people try to do it on their own, and some people just learn it over time as they socialize with other women.

how to feminize your voice

Additional ways to feminize your communication:

1. Talk more

Studies show that women speak three times as much a men, so the first step towards feminine communication is to open your mouth – and keep it open! If you’re one of those people who answer questions with one word, this might take some work. Practice expanding your answers and embellishing your stories with more details. What happened before, during, and after the event? Who else was involved? How did you feel about it? (Yes, bring out your feminine feelings)

2. Feminize your vocabulary

If you’re going to talk more, you want to use the RIGHT words to express yourself. Men and women have different vocabularies, so it’s important to incorporate feminine words into your speech. For example:

  • Women tend to use more descriptive adjectives. A woman wouldn’t tell you about the “pink dress” she just bought. She’d tell you about the “sleeveless fuchsia Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress” she just maxed out her credit card on.
  • Men and women use different words for the same thing. For example, a guy might call the lower abdomen the “gut” or “belly”, whereas a woman would be more likely to call it the “tummy” or “abdomen”. To expand your feminine vocabulary, listen to women in real life, on TV, and in movies and read women’s magazines. Look for words you don’t use and incorporate a few new words into your vocabulary each week.

3. Ask more questions

Finally, since women use their words to form relationships, they tend to ask more questions. Men tend to tell, rather than ask. If a man asks a question, it’s to get down to the point. Practice asking more questions the next time you have a conversation with somebody. Ask for more details or ask somebody how they felt about a particular situation. This will make you sound more you more feminine.

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  1. This has been so very helpful, and I just want to say thank you for your support. My name is Monica, I am New to coming out and can use all the help I can get. Thank you…

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