
Helena Rosales


Mexican crossdresser
Femme name: Helena Rosales

Location: Mexico City

How long you have been crossdressing : I’ve been dressing like a girl for 10 years.

Reason you crossdress: I love wearing stockings and high heels, dresses, skirts, makeup. I love to feel like a woman.

Things you like doing after dressing up: Usually after getting dressed I usually take pictures of myself, go for a walk, flirt with men.


Photo Gallery:

crossdresser in skirt and heels

Mexican crossdresser

male to female transformation

crossdressing in leggings

man dressed as woman

crossdresser in stockings

crossdressing in heels

Mexican crossdresser

Facebook Comments


  1. Wow so hot if I could look like that I would go out in public

  2. Me maravilla verte tan femenina. Enhorabuena.

  3. Wow te ves hermosaaaa si quieres podemos ponernos en contacto

  4. Absolutely Gorgeous.. Love Your Outfits…

  5. i like to dress and flirt with men to you look amazing

  6. If I were that great looking as a women, I would be living that way 24/7 full time. Would not be able to stop, would have hormones and SRS!

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