▶ Femme name: Erica Leeding
▶ Location: Essex, UK
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : On and off around 8 years
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: My experience has been amazing, all my friends are supportive and willing to listen when I start talking about make-up, which has helped me develop a lot in a short space of time
▶ Reason you crossdress: I just love being feminine, I love the clothes, I love having a feminine figure, I love make-up. On top of that I absolutely adore how attractive I feel, it makes me feel so confident
▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/missericaleeding/
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You are lovely. I would love for you to do my make up one day.
Very beautiful and stunning
Stunning and sexy
🌹🎩🌹love it..