Many people wonder about the cause of crossdressing and the reason why people like to crossdress. The reason to crossdress can be different for every individual. For some, crossdressing is a very necessary outlet for feminine self-expression and for some, it might be a fascination for opposite gender clothing or behavior.
There are many misconceptions about Crossdressers. So, in hopes to clarify more on this topic, we asked 20 crossdressers about the reason why they like to crossdress. Here is what they had to say!
1. Hollie Christopher (Charleston, South Carolina)
Reason you crossdress: I crossdress because men’s clothing is just so boring!! I have a huge family with a ton of older first cousins, so I spend my adolescence going to at least one wedding every year.
One thing that I just couldn’t get off of my mind was how the women all wore different fabrics and cuts and fashions and colors and patterns and hairstyles and accessories…(I could go on and on)… Where I felt like I had to wear a strict uniform with the other guys. Since then, I’ve been committed to showing the world that men can wear whatever they like too.
2. Heather Faye (Columbus Ohio)
▶ Reason you crossdress: I crossdress because it is the only way I can truly express my feminine side. It gives me a break from my normal life and I love looking in the mirror and admiring how beautiful I can be! I also LOVE women’s fashion and I want to own everything I see!
3. Victoria (The Netherlands)
▶ Reason you crossdress: Last year I discovered / came to terms with my gender identity and figured out I was mostly Gender Fluid. For me Victoria is part of who I am. And I love it. Sometimes she comes out a bit more often than other times. But I feel happy mostly nowadays with it.
4. Sophia Kaledrah (Marseille, France)
▶ Reason you crossdress: To be a girl for one night or more is an amazing feeling and brings so much attention that only girls can have.
5. Adri Kiss (Hungary)
▶ Reason you crossdress: To escape the stress of everyday life. And of course I just feel the urge to wear women’s clothes
6. Tina Martini (Australia)
▶ Reason you crossdress: Becoming Tina is heaven to me, a complete escape. It’s more than sexual – I have a separate female personality who really has to live a feminine life.
7. Emily Florence (California, USA)
▶ Reason you crossdress: Like most cross dressers I have talked to, its a turn on or a feel good feeling. It’s not one bit about who I want to be. For me cross dressing is momentary, it is not someone I want to be full time. So yeah it is strictly for fun.
8. Melania (Italy)
▶ Reason you Crossdress: “It’s an expression of a part of me. It is something that I didn’t decide. It belongs to me since my birth. Through the years I have experienced more and more about this world and I find it always so fascinating. I always learn new things and I try to reach perfection day by day.”
9. Alaska (Canada)
▶ Reason you Crossdress: “It feels liberating and empowering to be able to acknowledge an inner, forbidden desire.”
10. Cassie Cinnamon (Northern England)
▶ Reason you crossdress: I think women’s fashion is way more fun than men’s, and I think it’s healthy for a guy to be in touch with his feminine side once in a while. I’ve made a great network of friends through doing it and it’s just generally quite a freeing thing to be involved with
11. Nicole B ( London, UK)
▶Reason you crossdress: Because it’s fun! Girls clothes and accessories are just better, I love the way I look when dressed up and only wish I could do it more!
12. Adriana Lavigne (Southern California, USA)
▶ Reason you crossdress: It’s more than just crossdressing. I’m bigender, which falls under the transgender umbrella. It’s complicated I know, but pretty much all transgender people start out by crossdressing.
13. Carmen Michaels ( Austria)
▶ Reason you crossdress: I love women and femininity so much that every now and then I just want to be a woman myself. In contrast to women, in today’s society men are unfortunately forbidden to put on make-up or wear dresses and high heels.
The garment for women in particular is so incredibly beautiful and so versatile. That’s why I show all my outfits on Instagram and recently also on Youtube to inspire women and men to wear what they would like to wear. Break social boundaries and be who you want to be.
14. Natalee (Texas, USA)
▶ Reason you crossdress: It’s super fun and I get to explore my feminine side in its truest form! Also, seeing yourself as pretty or beautiful is highly addicting!
15. Olive La Strada (Romania)
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: For me crossdressing is not a way of life or different personas is just a fashion statement to inspire and help others
16. Allison Catalina (Chicago)
▶ Reason you crossdress: I crossdress as a form of expression and to a certain extent escapism. I am perfectly happy with my life as a straight male and have no desire to transition nor do I consider myself trans. I am just a part time female who loves femme fashion, especially heels!
17. Jenny London (London, UK)
▶ Reason you crossdress: For many years, I was convinced it was purely a fetish. This was probably partly a coping mechanism (to convince myself I was “normal”), but it is true that I was turned on by lingerie, and silky/lacy fabrics from quite a young age. I suppose I was just obsessed with all things feminine. The more I did it, the more I enjoyed it. But the nature of that enjoyment started to change, and I found that I really started to love exploring this alter ego than eventually became “Jenny”.
And also… I realized that I actually looked pretty good! Those skinny arms and legs that I hated so much as a teenager were now an asset. As a guy I rarely get compliments about my looks.. I wear boring clothes and blend into the crowd. But as Jenny I can take pride in my appearance, express my sexuality, and have fun experimenting with different looks.
18. Rubi (Ellensburg Washington)
▶ Reason you crossdress: Reason I dress is because of the feeling I get trying on new clothing and just looking at myself in the mirror thinking how can I get better and what parts can I grow on.
19. Kasia (Poland, Cracow)
▶ Reason you crossdress: Crossdressing is a lot of fun for me. I love becoming a woman because when I’m dressed and made up I feel like a woman and I act that way. Besides, creating new styles, i.e. buying shoes and clothes or underwear, is a great pleasure for me, I like it very much, I like to look in the mirror and take photos.
20. Bambi Bentley (Newcastle, England)
▶ Reason you crossdress: The reason I cross dress is because I feel like I have a whole other feminine side to me that I enjoy exploring and feel comfortable with, it’s part of my personality and when I’m all glammed up it’s almost like an alter ego for me, I change and become a completely different person, it’s fun!
Comment below to let us know the Reason Why You Like to Crossdress?

Attractions since childhood…it calmed me down considerably, after ts, in the absence of effective medical care, I have been living like this for more than 20 years! I had worked in this women’s clothing industry, another benefit.. we do not change what is “programmed” in an individual, therapy is used to “accommodate, help” not to change.. thank you
so much of what they ve said is the reason I live constantly in my dresses etc…really understand the feeling that menswear is just so boring and plain, almost clone like…I lived 5 decades in the shadows, wearing clothes that would not stand out, then along came Ashleigh..me…and oh heck, we have a ball now. love me/her, don t like the male side of me, love looking in the mirror and seeing her smiling back. My work, no matter what gender etc is very male clothing wise for safety, but soon as my work is done I m dressed in clothes that make me feel good, and yes, for the first time, sexy
Hello I support you really
Wearing womens clothes just gets me so horny,and at that point I need to feel like a real woman,and suck some cock..Sucking cock..That’s why I do it
Firstly, it needs to be discussed as to why the term “cross dressing” only applies to an activate that men indulge in. Yet woman are free to dress in whatever they can get their hands on and no one blinks an eye. Who decided that certain types of clothing are for one gender and not the other, yet over time skirts, high heels, frock coats, stockings, wigs were only men’s clothing. In saying that we are all well aware that woman like to be distinctive in a group while men are expected to be dressed in background colours. The range of clothing available to woman allow them to change their persona and be in another space shedding what has stressed them at the time. The thought of men having the same opportunity stresses everyone.
Really, why is not available for men to wear a skirt, tights/legging, boots and comfy top to go out in the evening?
Comfy, an adjective applied woman’s clothing but not to men. Then in in prompting comfy clothes for men, there is one caveat, they need to be educated in how to wear skirts etc and use makeup. Then! Many might make a better effort in their general appearance.
I’m Trying to work wether you are for crossdressing or against, Once you’ve put on your high heels & miniskirt yes you are vulnerable but if one accepts they are different & chooses to to go out en femme in public it’s just the way I /we want to be, You take your chances in this world & every one is different, I know lots of gay guys who you would wern’t gay but it’s up to them how to express themselves as they don’t come across as gay & some of them are big hunky guys who enjoy the company of a guy who wants be like to be used as woman & once you have been stripped down to your lingerie & cfm stilettos your in the lap of the gods & if its MMF you just have to go along with it or deal with it, Where I come most of the girls wear short dresses & to blend in we wear the same but most guys know who is girl & who is not but we are all treated the same apart from the odd wierdo or homophobe. I’ve been taken out by complete straight guys who just wanted some feminine company & nothing else, well most of the time. But tha’ts the point everyone is different, & I enjoy been a “woman” as I am different to everyone else.
Ive been dressing since I was 14 years old. To be honest up until that point I had always appreciated female impersonators on the television, but had never really understood my fascination.
In my first year of secondary school I can clearly remember looking at the girls in the playground and thinking how much I prefer how they dressed, as I stood there in trousers and a blazer. I’d always some how felt different within myself, I could never explain this.
I have an older sister, who I always been close with, watching her grow from my sister to a young woman, I felt envy when she would return home from shopping trips, with bags full of dresses, heals and makeup. I would stand there in total awe as she model her new outfits for me.
I remember reading a story about a crossdresser and felt turned on as I turned the pages. Not necessarily sexually, more in an alive way, like I could feel my whole body, in a way that I never had before.
I was close to my mum and used to sit next to her as she applied her makeup, I loved watching her do this, the transformation was always so exciting. The cosmetics looked like amazing jewels to me, everything had a sparkle, that sparkle was hypnotic.
My first experience was a combination of excitement, an overwhelming somatic experience and utter horror. I cried for days after, I felt guilt and shame and hoped that I’d never do it again. I’m 51 now and its been a journey. I’m married and have shared my secret with my wife, who doesn’t get it, but is ok with me dressing whilst at home alone.
I love my fem side, I love woman’s clothes. That moment when I know I have home alone time, is healing for me. Showering and washing my mask of masculinity away, the way I wear my towel, choosing my underwear, putting on music and my fave bit, the makeup, have turned into a ceremony of sorts. Exploring how fem I can get helps me release the tension I feel.
Choosing my outfit, depending on my vibes for that day, it could be a yoga look, something chic, or something super casual, whatever, it gives me freedom from the man clothes which are so boring. Once my wig is on, I become. Movement and dance is a huge passion of mine and one thing I always do when dressed, is explore how I stand, dance, walk, its never forced and comes so naturally.
I ‘ve struggled for so long to own my fem side, maybe I’m messed up, Ive got to the stage within myself where I’m caring less. The culture is changing and as a guy who has never really felt at home as an Alpha, I’m happy with my sensitive, chilled vibes. My love of the feminine.
I still feel that that its totally misunderstood, its super special and I really feel that guys like us are here to change the idea that men can’t express there female side, because we can and we can do it really well.
Its not all of me, but its a huge part of me, I feel sad that I tend to hide at home and never really go out. Sites like this are helping as other forums Ive checked out tend to focus on the sexy side too much and seem to negate the love of dressing.
I’m glad I found this, these are the first words Ive ver expressed publicly about my journey
From the 20 girls, women, femmes telling’s in this article, there are 20 different reasons, which range from the innocent curiosity, to the timid adventure, to the assured assumption at becoming an accomplished object of desire, while passing by the provocative posturing at been a toy for the joy of men, and… it is exiting to ‘enter’ into each one of those ladies persona, truly! From recently came to me a personal ‘reason’ also, which I discovered, and which I just shared to-day with Tabea on All About CD’s web-site. The reason for cross-dressing is to fill the void that real women are disappearing to the point of becoming extinct. As cross-dressed, I find myself more sophisticated, more dolled-up, more fragile than the average bio-women. Simply put: I have unwarily filled the void left by the disappearance of real girls, women or femmes.
Have you girls not felt hot and girly at a discotheque among the many bio-girls who are wearing jean and stomper-boots and back-ward cap? while you have a trendy wig, a kissable cute face; a micro-mini and pumps? and evidently being the sole ‘female’ among young brutes of the dance floor; of the resting sofas of the discotheque?
Have you women not felt very vulnerable at the mall, in “full shopping mode” among bio-women who for most seem dressed as the security guards of the mall?
Have you femmes, the ultimate object of desire of men, felt the envy of the ‘modern bio-women’ in their obligatory pant-suit? while you are wearing designer dress and silk underwear, while bravely daring walk on high-end high-heels?
That is my newly discovered reason for cross-dressing: It is to compensate for the general lack of femininity in our brutal and cold world. In fine, it is a reactionary attitude. This why cross-dressing is becoming so much accepted as a form of social necessity due to the masculinisation of the bio-“women”.
Clear vision of the stupid gender war… excelent description!
I first started as a 16 yr old I was just curious about my my mother’s bras & panties etc.. & after getting dressed 1 afternoon c/w makeup & as I looked in the full length mirror I saw a young girl wanting to be set free, I was hooked & I began buying my own clothes etc, as any crossdresser will tell you, once you’ve worn a miniskirt & high heels there’s no going back, I just feel happier & more at ease with myself dressed as a woman as nothing compares to wearing some sexy lingerie, 4″ stilettos & a minidress, & stepping outside to feel the cool night air around your stocking clad legs. The 1st time I went out in public I was very nervous but I drove well away from were I lived, Parking up I just took a deep breath & grabbed my handbag & went for it, walking down the sidewalk I just kept myself to myself but couldn’t help notice that guys would give me an admiring glance as they went past, & I thought if only they knew, But at the end of the day I was only been me & I was loving every minute of it, But I’m at a point now were I don’t know if I want to take it further as do feel I like men but I don’t think i am gay
For me, it is similar to Adri Kiss, to be able to escape reality, even if for just a short while., is so relaxing to me. I emerge a better person. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy the feel if those sensual fabrics on your skin
Unlike many, I don’t know why I cross dress. My first memories are pre school, about 4 years old. I just liked the look and feel, whether just knickers or frilly plastic pants and badly applied nappy.
My dressing continued and it was only when I was about 13 or 14 that there was any sexual connotation. I have always loved the girlie very feminine look, always skirts and dresses or very rarely, girly shorts. I have always loved the whole process of makeup and nails
Now in my late 60’s, my love of cross dressing has only increased, my wardrobes being full of the clothes I love to wear and just a handful of the boring guy clothes. I rarely wear traditional male clothing. I love the variety of fabrics colours and styles that I wear as Jenny. Only rarely is there any sexual reason, I just feel at one with myself and the world when dressed as a lady.
About 30 years ago I was classed as borderline transgendered but circumstances dictated what was to be a rather lonely lifestyle. It is only in the last 7 or 8 years that after a health scare I have decided to be me. I now live as I should have lived since childhood.
Love Crossdressing.. Everything! The Dresses.. Heels.. Tights..Panties.. The Pretty Tops.. Love Shopping With The Ladies..
I first started cross dressing when I was about 12. Always dressing in my moms panties and bras-wigs night owns and of course high heels. Before my mother died many years ago she told me how she would dress me up like a little girl when I was very young. I have often wondered if that imprinted on my mind which is why I began crossdressing. I have continued periodically my whole life. It makes me feel good and I fantasize about being controlled by a macho man or another woman mistress!!!!!!
Wow, you gurls all look so beautiful. Wish I had the guts.
I could not get a Girlfriend. Do I became my own Girlfriend. I just love it ❤️
I have been crosdressing since i was 14. It brings out my feminine side and i admire myself as a woman. It relieves all the stress and i feel happy as a woman. Its so boring to wear mens clothing and women have more choice and can dress fashioably and look Pretty and Attractive. I feel happy when i get compliments as a female, which i never get as a male. Initially i thought i was straight and only interested in crosdressing, but later on my feminine fellings made me feel more happy as a woman. Its a pleasant feeling to dress as a woman and be a woman.
i all so feel feminine
The reason I cross dress FUN It the biggest reason and I have learned to accept it after years of struggle Simply it is fun and I enjoy it. Why do some people collect stamps fun I guess. I have been cding a long time and have learned it is part of me and gives me a thrill. It is not something I do al the time but when I do it is fun.
as a senior citizen I am fortunate to afford another residence which is just for Emily and her clothes. after all of this time when I go out I never think that I am anything other than a woman and it just feels great to be dressed as a woman and participate in a woman’s world. I have reached the point where I have pushed myself to do womanly things like attending fashion shows or (as women will do) initiate conversations with women in the ladies room. All initially terrifying but the results and acceptance have been wonderful
The reason I cross dress is because it makes me feel great and takes me away from normal life I love wearing sexy clothes silky underwear and I like to express by going for a drive and posting on social media I just wish I had the confidence to go out dressed more .
just learned im bigender instead of mixed gender)anyways i crossdress for several reasons i enjoy being myself when dressed an of course women’s costmics that men don’t get wear or not allowed to where sum are into wearing pants all time i perfer wear dress or skirt then there’s women’s sexy lingerie I’ve gotten to point dress half n half out in public nobody seems care or notice but wearing my panties all time yes i feel more feminine when get dress all way may not look feminine female but can sure look like 1 from distance and use my female voice people will say miss or sorry you look like woman to me also sound like 1