
Cindy Croft


Crossdresser Cindy in stockings and heels
Femme name: Cindy Croft

Location: West Sussex UK

How long you have been crossdressing: I was always troubled about my sexuality since i was very very young. I never knew what i was. Was I gay, bi, a girl, a boy. All of this troubled me. At the age of 14 I was in Rio for the carnival. People during the carnival dress as all sorts. My friend said it be fun if we dressed as girls and so we did. That was the day I cracked the code and figured out what I was.

Say something about your crossdressing experience: Being Cindy is natural to me, of course being a girl in a male body comes with the struggle of finding which female products work best for you and which clothing styles as sizes bring out best your femme side. I truly enjoy living a colorful and vivid female life.

Reason you crossdress: Well besides bringing out my natural self its also very very fun. The colors, the fabrics, the fashion, its all so overwhelming and amazing. I truly understand now why cis women can never have too many shoes or too many dresses.

Things you like doing after dressing up: Usually when I dress its always to have a photoshoot. Usually a photoshoot lasts 3 days, taking pics and videos and then i upload the content i produced to my Instagram, Twitter and of course to my Onlyfans account.


Photo Gallery: 

Cindy Croft

cute crossdresser crossdresser in black dress

crossdresser in glasses

cute crossdresser


Crossdresser Cindy in maid dress

Cindy Croft

crossdresser in pantyhose

Crossdresser Cindy Croft

Facebook Comments


  1. You look stunning wish I was 20 years younger I would ask you out x

  2. Gorgeous!!!

  3. Are you coming back to Poole cx

  4. U look amazing so stunning x

  5. You look stunning oh wow .mark

  6. Very attractive. If only I could look so good and be as confident as you appear. x

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