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Catherine – CoverGirl of the Week ( May )


man to woman transformationFeaturing the stunning crossdresser Catherine from UK as our CoverGirl of the Week for May, 2024.

Some words by Catherine:

“Hello there! You can call me Catherine! Just your average person who is going against societal gender norms I first remember crossdressing when I was 3 years old. I unfortunately held back due to the usual societal pressure.

I remember how terrifying going out in public was! Thankfully as an adult I got amazing friends and found great communities that allowed me to flourish into the person am and not what I am told to be I love fashion and makeup!”

“I love how just going between high fashion style blazer dresses and golden mini dresses can completely change your personality as well. Clothes may not make the woman but certainly helps you feel the part and we should all get the chance to feel like our true selves.”. – Catherine

Follow Catherine on Instagram:  @catherinesparkles1

Photo gallery:crossdresser photo shoot

guy dressed as girl

crossdresser in dress and heels

crossdresser as bunny girl

Beautiful crossdresser

crossdresser in red dress

Facebook Comments


  1. Hola yo soy de Colombia

  2. You could be my playboy bunny anytime you wanted!

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