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Boy Transformed into Beautiful Bride


Boy Transformed into Beautiful BrideIn the village of San Martine de Tilcajete, Mexico there is held an annual  carnival celebrations which include a parade led by a mock bride and groom (both guys). The “mock wedding” is a tradition in  which the roles are reversed and cross-dressing is encouraged. The bride and the groom leads the parade with a brass band and people who are also dressed in different costumes following them through the village.

The parade circles the whole village and stops at the Mayor’s house and involves a great feast and drinking. It is believed that the parody was started by the people of the richer classes as some sort of entertainment and to remove the evil spirits from the village.

Usually the guy who is picked to be dressed as the bride is usually between the age of 20 to 30 years old and it is considered a great honor for him and his family. But this year, the role of the bride was taken by a young boy named Zuitel, who had caught the bouquet thrown by the bride last year .

At the day of the parade, a lot of people and photographers have already gathered at the house of the boy where he’s going to be transformed into the bride. The photographers as well as many other people are keen to capture his transformation. Then the family members starts the boy’s transformation into this all-important Carnival role.

Transformation process into bride

Clearly, the boy, Zuitel seems very nervous and is a bit reluctant to be transformed into a bride in front of so many people.  But his family convince him for the transformation.

First, his mother applies makeup on his face and then tells him to put on the wedding dress. Other family members join in to help him put on the bridal dress properly. After the wedding dress is fitted correctly, his mother places a hair wig on his head and starts styling it nicely. After that, she puts on the wedding veil.

Transformation into bride - putting the wedding dress

Finally his transformation into a bride is complete and he looks beautiful. All the people around him praises how beautiful he looks as a bride and that makes him blush.

Boy Transformed into Beautiful Bride

After the transformation is complete, Zuitel is then made to sit on the bed surrounded by dolls and toys, all alone in this new persona. He looks  shy and nervous and sits there silently while the photographers click photos of him. His mother then goes up to him and advise him to relax and enjoy his new appearance. 

boy bride sits in bed

As the day progress, after encouragement from family and friends, the Carnival bride steps out of the house and rises to the occasion. There are many people who have gathered to see  and they are happy to see him as a beautiful bride.

Many girls & women gather around him and gives him compliment on his new looks .His mother brings out photos of his son to show it to others who are curious about how he looked before as a boy.

Crossdresser bride comes out

The groom for the event also arrives along with the brass band playing music. Then the bride and the groom are asked to hold each other and the bride is also handed a lovely bouquet. Photographers and people start taking photos of the newly couple. Then, the people get ready to march for the parade.

boy transformed into beautiful bride

The parade then begins and the bride & the groom leads the march. This was an experience that Zuitel will never forget. The day he was transformed into a beautiful bride in-front of the whole village.

Facebook Comments


  1. Gostei muito, desejaria sentir essa sensação.

  2. did he/she continue live as a woman and did he get married to a man or woman?

  3. 🙂

  4. Omg, this is so awesome! I’ve always wanted to be a bride. So lucky! I would have been so happy 🙂

  5. This is great content. Thank you, this website is unique

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