Some boys just love dressing up as girls. The experience of dressing as a girl and exploring their feminine side is one of the main reasons why boys want to dress up as girls.
Also, girls have a lot of options on fashion wears and styles. So, it’s no secret that boys also get curious about it. Since, boys aren’t really usually allowed to be feminine, it makes it even more thrilling for some boys to dress up as girls. Check out some of the gorgeous boy to girl full body transformation photos.
Boy to Girl Full Body Transformation – Before & After

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Because It’s much more fun been a girl as I love wearing sexy lingerie & CF me stilettos & LB dresses so I may as well be used a girl
🙂 Girls will be boys and boys will be girls it’s a mixed up jumbled up shook up world said my Lola, lol
Deedee has a very valid point. Seems like more and more guys want to be beta boys instead of Alpha males. Transitioning to girls is probably the best thing for them. Hope they can afford it. .
We see, with each generation, more boys born smaller, weaker, and more effeminate, and far less “macho” alpha’s. Trends across the world are less gender oriented, boys are wearing asexual clothes, make up, and are more “female” oriented. Many “beta” boys prefer to be around girls rather than talking to a group of guys about sports that they have no interest in, they would much prefer to talk about fashion and relationships. Most of these boys bond with and have a girl as their BFF. They are often bullied by the alpha boys, called sissies or worse which makes them want to identify with girls even more. They may not have any gay feelings but transitioning and taking hormones can alter their thinking also, becoming a girl may be the best route for some of them.
Deedee you are right. Guys seem to be less and less active, and more pron to sit back and watch the guys world pass them by. looking girly seems to be their thing.
Seems like some guys want to be girly instead of macho. I guess because beauty is more associated with being of the female sex.
Because It’s much more fun been a girl as I love wearing sexy lingerie & CF me stilettos & LB dresses so I may as well be used a girl
That is all just so wonderfully true..
These guys have real courage. They are being what they are. LOL!
Muy interesante el contenido de la revista, gracias
Please say it in English. Thanks!