
Ava Harris


beautiful crossdresser
Femme name: Ava Harris

Location: Vancouver, B.C Canada

How long you have been crossdressing : 10+ years

Say something about your crossdressing experience: Fashion gives me an outlet to stay creative and to inspire people to be confident and fearless in expression. It’s hard to believe that if I were to express myself a feminine way in a majority of countries they would try to kill, harass or threaten me.

This is the reason Canada is home to me. I receive amazing support, compliments, and opportunities every where I go. It wasn’t easy to be this confident in myself. I know what it’s like to be bullied, judged, called ridiculous names, and more.

What I learned was you can’t let the opinions of others affect you. Choose to live free, choose to live for you! Listen to your intuition, listen to your heart.

Reason you crossdress: I feel like a beautiful woman inside my soul. I always felt feminine inside and love wearing makeup as a form of self-expression and identification.

Growing up, I felt different, I love to wear new dresses, high heels, and girly colored nail polish both on my hands and feet. I felt so happy living my life’s true purpose when doing so.

Things you like doing after getting dressed: This is my authentic self so I live like a regular person. I like to go out the mall or outlets, I’m also into the night life so bars and nightclubs are always super fun. I also love taking pictures and videos of my looks!

I do an exclusive modeling photo set each week on Patreon and my looks include figure hugging minidresses, leather jackets, costumes and some hosiery. I am looking to model in lingerie in the near future.


Photo Gallery:

boy to girl transformation

crossdresser in red dress

cute crossdresser

male to female

Ava Harris

boy to girl

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1 Comment

  1. you are a beautiful girl. I would definitely love to have a girlfriend as sexy as you. Now every time I’m out i will be hoping to see you lol Vancouver as well

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