▶ Femme name: Ashlee Delmonico
▶ Location: Massachusetts, USA
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : I’m 49 now. My first memories of wanting to wear women clothing is at age 7 when I visited my relatives in Alabama. I was roomed with my female cousin and wanted to always wear her pantyhose, I didn’t know why except that I liked how they felt on me. My uncle would remove them from me and I didn’t know why. Through my teens I had the opportunity to house sit for friends and relatives and was overjoyed at the ability to have a wardrobe and privacy to dress available to me.
I served in the military from 18-24 so there was no dressing then except for small items I’d acquire. When I got out of the miitary I was living at home so it was tough but I managed to make a small stash, buy a wig from a costume store and start getting into it. Once I moved to my own place it was freedom to dress! Thanks to the internet I discovered I wasn’t alone in this and I found there’s transformation/makeover places that help people like me bring out the woman inside.
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: It’s a love/hate thing….I love being dolled up from head to toe and from the skin out in female clothing, makeup, shoes and perfume and looking like as beautiful as a woman as possible but I also hate that I was born this way and that I do this and want to on a regular basis. I have a very manly job too which adds to the situation. Here I am, a man in one of the most macho professions on the planet who has this strong, sometimes overpowering desire to dress up as a woman and act the part and sometimes wish I were female.
▶ Reason you crossdress: I wish I knew, it’s a powerful addiction if you can describe it that way. To dress up fully and see myself as a woman in the mirror is relaxing. It’s a stress relief. Everything I’m dealing with just seems to go away. I fully indulge and my female role when dressed and love staying dressed and inhaling the perfume I’ve applied.
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashlee_delmonico911/
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Hey there sexy lady I seen you and said to myself I got to have you I am 39
Beautiful smile!