▶ Femme name: Amanda
▶ Location: Atlanta, GA
▶ How long you have been crossdressing : Off and on since I was 13. But I’ve taken it more serious in the last 7 or so months
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: The turning point for me was when my fiancé found out about Amanda. She encourages me and has helped me so much. I still haven’t gone out in public dressed yet, but hopefully I will soon!
▶ Reason you crossdress: I started when I was in puberty and I just got this urge to wear women’s clothes. I love dressing now though because I get to express my feminine side, plus playing with makeup and trying on outfits is so much fun!
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You are so beautiful
I was so happy when I found you on Instagram, have loved following your journey. Such a beautiful woman!!!!!!
Very Beautiful
Very pretty girl💃
Absolutely gorgeous.
I love the hair color changes.