▶ Femme name: Allyson L
▶ Location: New York
▶ How long you have been crossdressing: I have bet crossdressing a little bit, as far back as I can remember, but I guess it really only started getting serious about 3 years ago. Until then I never really played around with make up, or thought about figuring out how to put together various looks, and a desire to figure out how to make myself as passable as I can be.
▶ Say something about your crossdressing experience: For me, for the most part, my experience has been positive, hoping to keep at that way, and continue to develop my skills, femininity, and comfort level, so I can get out the and experience more and more.
▶ Reason you cross-dress: Like most girls, it has always excited me, and just feels good, in most ways, its very hard to explain. As I started to take it all more and more seriously, I really started to enjoy the challenge, I compare it to working on some never ending puzzle, and that challenge, and the focus really lends itself to distracting me from the every day problems or frustrations.
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhsoYcn4hf/
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You look so hot!!! Love your style girl I crossdress myself .I live in Wisconsin. You in that black and white skirt with black nylons and black heels, oh dang so lovely and hot.
Guuuurl, you l👀k marvelous hun! I like leather mini with thigh high nylons and leopard print blouse. Admire your look and rocking it girl.